
Summary: It Was Always You by Sarah K. Stephens

Sarah K. Stephens' "It Was Always You" delves into the psychological complexities of love, trust, and a past that refuses to stay buried. The story centers around Morgan, a woman grappling with a new relationship and the lingering effects of a childhood hit-and-run accident.

It Was Always You by Sarah K. Stephens

Uncertainty in Paradise

Morgan finds herself drawn to Justin, a seemingly perfect boyfriend. Yet, a recent argument leaves her feeling uneasy. Justin's attentiveness can be stifling at times, and Morgan struggles to reconcile her desire for love with a nagging sense of unease. Her past relationships haven't been smooth sailing either. She has a tendency to sabotage things, a pattern her neurologist, Dr. Harris, warns her about. Determined not to repeat past mistakes, Morgan wrestles with her own doubts and anxieties.

Shadows from the Past

As Morgan navigates the complexities of her present, a tragic event throws her world into disarray. A close friend disappears, and the echoes of Morgan's own hit-and-run experience resurface. Memories she'd tried to suppress come flooding back, blurring the lines between reality and her fragmented recollection. The accident had left not only physical scars but also gaps in her memory, creating a space for fear and doubt to fester.

Unraveling the Truth

Morgan's search for answers regarding her friend's disappearance intertwines with a desperate attempt to piece together the missing fragments of her past. She delves into the details of the hit-and-run, questioning her memory and the accounts of those closest to her. As she digs deeper, she uncovers inconsistencies and unsettling truths that challenge everything she thought she knew.

The Web of Deception

The line between suspicion and paranoia blurs for Morgan. Can she trust Justin? What secrets might he be hiding? Even Dr. Harris, a constant source of support, becomes suspect in Morgan's increasingly distorted perception. The more Morgan investigates, the more isolated she feels. Is she the target of someone's manipulation, or is the culprit the voice of doubt echoing from within?

Twisting the Narrative

Stephens masterfully weaves a web of psychological suspense, keeping the reader guessing about Morgan's reliability as a narrator. Is her memory playing tricks, or is someone actively trying to gaslight her? The narrative takes unexpected turns, leaving the reader questioning everything they thought they knew about the characters and their motivations.

Confronting the Demons

Morgan is forced to confront not only the mysteries surrounding her friend's disappearance and her own past, but also the demons within herself. Her anxieties and past traumas threaten to consume her, making it difficult to distinguish truth from fiction. The climax of the novel delivers a surprising revelation, forcing Morgan to come to terms with the past and its impact on her present.

The Aftermath

The ending of "It Was Always You" leaves a lingering sense of unease. While some questions are answered, others remain shrouded in ambiguity. The reader is left to ponder the lasting effects of trauma and the complexities of human relationships. Did Morgan truly find closure, or are there still shadows lurking on the periphery of her newfound peace?

Themes Explored

Stephens' novel explores a multitude of themes, including the unreliability of memory, the psychological impact of trauma, the complexities of relationships, and the struggle for self-acceptance. It delves into the human mind's capacity for self-deception and the power of suggestion in shaping one's perception of reality.

A Gripping Psychological Thriller

"It Was Always You" is a captivating psychological thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With its exploration of trauma, memory, and the darkness that can lurk within seemingly ordinary relationships, the novel offers a chilling journey into the human psyche.


The truth behind Morgan's friend's disappearance and the hit-and-run from her childhood finally comes to light. The revelation exposes a shocking betrayal, forcing Morgan to confront a painful reality. However, the ending is laced with ambiguity. While Morgan gains a measure of closure, the lingering effects of the past remain, leaving the reader to question whether she can truly escape the shadows that have haunted her. 

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