
Summary: Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover

Colleen Hoover's "Reminders of Him" delves into the complex story of Kenna Rowan, a young woman released from prison after serving five years for the involuntary manslaughter of her boyfriend, Scotty. Returning to the town where their tragedy unfolded, Kenna must navigate the challenges of rebuilding her life while facing the painful memories and judgment of the past.

Reminders of Him by Colleen Hoover

The book in three sentences:

  • Kenna Rowan returns home after five years in prison, haunted by the tragic death of her boyfriend and facing judgment from the town.
  • As she rebuilds her life and reconnects with her young daughter, Kenna uncovers hidden truths about their past and confronts her own guilt.
  • Through unexpected connections and the power of forgiveness, Kenna and her family begin to heal and embrace a future marked by hope, even as they carry the "reminders of him" in their hearts.

Here are some key takeaways from "Reminders of Him":

  • The transformative power of forgiveness: The book emphasizes the importance of forgiving oneself and others, demonstrating how holding onto resentment only perpetuates pain. Kenna, Ledger, and even Diem learn to let go of blame and embrace healing through forgiveness.
  • Facing the past is crucial for moving forward: While confronting painful memories can be challenging, "Reminders of Him" shows that acknowledging the past, including its mistakes and secrets, is essential for personal growth and rebuilding a meaningful future.
  • Love transcends boundaries: The story challenges societal expectations regarding relationships formed after tragedy. Kenna's connection with Ledger, Scotty's best friend, demonstrates that love can blossom in unexpected places and offer healing and support.
  • Family bonds can withstand hardship: Despite the trauma they endure, Kenna and Diem never stop loving each other. Their journey of reconciliation emphasizes the resilience of family ties and the unwavering power of love between a mother and daughter.
  • Second chances are possible: Though scarred by tragedy, the characters ultimately find a sense of hope and possibility. The book demonstrates that even after difficult experiences, rebuilding a life and finding happiness is still achievable.

These takeaways offer valuable lessons about facing challenges, navigating complex relationships, and finding the strength to heal and move forward. "Reminders of Him" serves as a poignant reminder that even in the darkest moments, forgiveness, love, and second chances can pave the way for a brighter future.

Haunted by Loss and Regret:

The book opens with Kenna's raw internal conflict. Guilt over Scotty's death and the consequences of her actions weigh heavily on her. Through letters she writes to him, readers glimpse the depth of her love and grief, her yearning for forgiveness and a second chance. These heartfelt letters offer a poignant counterpoint to the external world's harsh scrutiny.

A Reluctant Reunion:

Kenna's return to her hometown throws her into an emotional crucible. Her interactions with her daughter, Diem, whom she left in the care of her sister, are initially strained and awkward. Diem, now four years old, carries her own emotional baggage – confusion, sadness, and a barely-formed memory of her father. Kenna's journey to reconnect with Diem forms the narrative's emotional core.

Challenging Expectations:

Facing judgment and scorn from the community is another hurdle Kenna must overcome. Haunted whispers and disapproving glances follow her every step. The arrival of Ledger Ward, Scotty's best friend who also harbors guilt and unresolved feelings, complicates matters further. Their uneasy interactions crackle with unresolved emotions, forcing them to confront their own roles in the tragedy and re-evaluate their perceptions of each other.

Love in Unexpected Places:

As Kenna struggles to reclaim her life, an unexpected connection with Ledger begins to blossom. Hesitant and fraught with complications, their bond offers a ray of hope and the possibility of moving beyond the shadow of the past. However, the ghosts of their shared history and the lingering doubts of the community create obstacles to their burgeoning love.

Navigating Forgiveness and Growth:

The themes of forgiveness and personal growth intertwine throughout the narrative. Kenna grapples with forgiving herself for her actions and accepting the consequences. Similarly, Diem's journey involves understanding her mother's choices and healing from the emotional wounds inflicted by Scotty's death. Ledger also confronts his own guilt and learns to let go of past resentments.

Twists and Revelations:

"Reminders of Him" keeps readers engaged with its unpredictable plot twists and hidden secrets. As Kenna delves deeper into Scotty's past, she uncovers truths that reshape her understanding of their relationship and challenge the narrative surrounding his death. These revelations force characters and readers alike to confront uncomfortable truths and reconsider their judgments.

Facing the Future:

The book's conclusion offers a glimmer of hope and redemption. While unresolved tensions and lingering scars remain, the characters inch towards a fragile peace. Kenna takes steps towards rebuilding her future, her relationship with Diem deepens, and Ledger finds a pathway forward. Ultimately, "Reminders of Him" is a story about embracing second chances, finding forgiveness, and the enduring power of love and family.

Key Characters:

  • Kenna Rowan: The protagonist, grappling with guilt, rebuilding her life, and reconnecting with her daughter.
  • Diem: Kenna's four-year-old daughter, struggling with confusion and loss.
  • Ledger Ward: Scotty's best friend, burdened by guilt and conflicted over his feelings for Kenna.
  • Scotty (through Kenna's letters): Kenna's deceased boyfriend, whose presence lingers through her emotional reflections.


  • Forgiveness and self-acceptance
  • Grief and emotional healing
  • Second chances and redemption
  • The complexities of love and family
  • Confronting the past and moving forward

"Reminders of Him" is a captivating and emotionally resonant story that explores the depths of human resilience and the transformative power of love and forgiveness. With its relatable characters, poignant exploration of grief and healing, and unexpected twists, this novel keeps readers engaged until the very last page.


Kenna finally finds the courage to share Scotty's secret with Diem, unleashing a torrent of tears and anger from her daughter. It's a messy, painful confrontation, but it marks a turning point. Together, they begin to piece together his past and their family's story, replacing judgment with understanding. Ledger, no longer shackled by guilt, steps up as a father figure, offering unconditional love and support.

The ending isn't a fairy tale. Scars remain, memories sting, and whispers still echo. But Kenna, Diem, and Ledger have faced their demons, found forgiveness, and begun to rebuild their lives, brick by painful brick. They step into the future, not erased by tragedy, but forever marked by it, carrying the reminders of him in their hearts, but no longer tethered to them. It's a conclusion of quiet strength, a testament to the enduring power of love and the resilience of the human spirit.

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