Summary: Untamed by Glennon Doyle

In her powerful and transformative memoir, Untamed: The Wild and Sorrowful Beauty of Becoming, Glennon Doyle chronicles her remarkable journey of self-discovery, shedding the societal expectations and internalized beliefs that had long held her captive. With raw honesty and unflinching vulnerability, she recounts her struggles with addiction, her tumultuous marriage, and the transformative power of love that ultimately led her to embrace her authentic self.

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

The book in three sentences:

·       In her memoir Untamed, Glennon Doyle chronicles her journey of self-discovery, shedding societal expectations and embracing her authentic self.

·       Doyle confronts her struggles with addiction, her tumultuous marriage, and the transformative power of love that led her to a life of authenticity and self-love.

·       Doyle's memoir is a powerful manifesto for women to break free from societal norms and embrace their untamed selves, advocating for authenticity, courage, and self-love.

Here are the key takeaways from Glennon Doyle's memoir, Untamed:

1.  Embrace Your Untamed Spirit: Doyle challenges the notion that women must conform to societal expectations and suppress their true selves. She encourages women to embrace their untamed spirit, to live authentically, and to shed the masks of perfection.

2.  Challenge the Stories You Tell Yourself: We often create limiting beliefs about ourselves that hold us back from living our full potential. Doyle encourages us to question these stories, to confront our deepest fears, and to rewrite our narratives with a more empowered voice.

3.  Self-Love is the Foundation of True Happiness: Doyle emphasizes the importance of self-love as the foundation of a fulfilling and joyful life. She encourages women to prioritize their own needs, to practice self-compassion, and to cultivate a deep sense of self-worth.

4.  Love is a Powerful Force for Transformation: Doyle's experience of falling in love with Abby Wambach sparked a profound transformation in her life. She highlights the power of love to heal, to liberate, and to open us up to new possibilities.

5.  Authenticity Breeds Connection and Community: When we live authentically, we create space for genuine connections and meaningful relationships. Doyle encourages women to embrace their true selves and to build communities based on mutual respect and acceptance.

6.  Embrace the Wildness Within: Doyle encourages women to embrace the wildness within them, to connect with their intuition, and to live life with passion and zest. She reminds us that we are not meant to be tamed, but rather to live freely and authentically.

7.  Life is a Continuous Journey of Self-Discovery: Doyle's journey is ongoing, and she reminds us that life is a continuous process of learning, growing, and evolving. She encourages us to embrace the ups and downs, to learn from our experiences, and to never stop exploring our true selves.

Doyle's memoir begins with a confession of her struggles with alcoholism and bulimia, revealing the deep-seated pain and insecurities that fueled her destructive behaviors. She describes her marriage as a performance, living up to the expectations of a conventional family while suppressing her true desires and identity. The birth of her three children brought a sense of purpose, but the demands of motherhood and the constant pressure to be perfect only intensified her internal struggle.

A pivotal moment arrives when Doyle meets Abby Wambach, a renowned soccer star who challenges her to question the societal norms and expectations that have shaped her life. Their connection sparks a seismic shift within Doyle, igniting a flame of self-acceptance and igniting her desire to live authentically.

As Doyle embraces her love for Abby, she faces a storm of criticism and judgment, both from within and from those around her. She grapples with the fear of societal disapproval and the guilt of dismantling her carefully constructed façade. Yet, the pull towards her true self proves irresistible, and she embarks on a journey of radical honesty and self-discovery.

Doyle's memoir is not merely a chronicle of personal struggles; it is a powerful manifesto for women to break free from the shackles of societal expectations and embrace their untamed selves. She challenges the notion that women must be perfect, selfless, and constantly pleasing others, advocating instead for a life of authenticity, courage, and self-love.

Throughout the memoir, Doyle weaves together personal anecdotes, biblical references, and poignant reflections, creating a tapestry of raw emotion and profound insight. She challenges the reader to question the stories they tell themselves, to confront their deepest fears, and to embrace the wild, untamed spirit that resides within.

Her journey is not without its setbacks and moments of doubt. Doyle struggles with the complexities of her divorce, the challenges of co-parenting, and the constant scrutiny of the public eye. Yet, she never wavers in her commitment to her authentic self, finding strength in her newfound freedom and the unwavering love of her partner, Abby.


In the end, Doyle emerges as a beacon of hope and inspiration, urging women to embrace their untamed selves, to shed the masks of perfection, and to live a life of authenticity and unapologetic joy. Her memoir is a testament to the transformative power of self-love, reminding us that we are not meant to be tamed, but rather to embrace the wild, untamed spirit that lies within each of us.

In the closing chapters of Untamed, Glennon Doyle reflects on the transformative journey she has undertaken, shedding the shackles of societal expectations and embracing her true self. She acknowledges the challenges and setbacks she has faced, the fear and vulnerability that accompanied her newfound authenticity. Yet, she reaffirms her commitment to living a life aligned with her core values, one guided by self-love, compassion, and an unwavering belief in her own worth.

Doyle concludes by extending an invitation to her readers, urging them to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery. She challenges them to question the narratives they tell themselves, to confront their deepest fears, and to embrace the wild, untamed spirit that lies within each of them. Her message is a powerful reminder that we are not meant to be tamed, but rather to live authentically and unapologetically, embracing the unique gifts and talents that make us who we are.

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