Summary: Living Untethered by Michael A Singer

In his book "Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament," Michael Singer explores the nature of human existence and offers a practical guide to achieving inner peace and freedom from the limitations of the ego. Singer argues that our suffering stems from our identification with our thoughts and emotions, which we mistakenly believe to be who we are. This identification leads to a constant state of struggle and dissatisfaction, as we strive to control our thoughts and emotions and avoid what we perceive as negative experiences.


Living Untethered by Michael A Singer

The book in three sentences:

• "Living Untethered: Beyond the Human Predicament" by Michael Singer delves into the nature of human existence and guides readers towards inner peace and liberation from ego-driven limitations.

• Singer asserts that our suffering arises from our identification with our thoughts and emotions, mistaking them for our true selves. This identification leads to a constant struggle to control our inner world and avoid perceived negativity.

• By detaching from our thoughts and emotions, recognizing ourselves as the awareness behind them, we can experience them without being controlled by them. This detachment allows for a clear perception of reality, unfiltered by ego distortions.

Singer proposes that the key to liberation is to recognize that we are not our thoughts and emotions. We are the awareness behind them, the "I" that observes them. By detaching from our thoughts and emotions, we can experience them without being controlled by them. This detachment allows us to see reality as it is, without the distortions of our ego.

Singer outlines a number of practices that can help us to detach from our thoughts and emotions.

These practices include:

  • Inquiry: Asking ourselves the question "Who am I?" to identify the awareness behind our thoughts and emotions.
  • Surrender: Accepting what is, rather than resisting it.
  • Letting go: Releasing our attachment to thoughts and emotions.
  • Presence: Being fully present in the moment, without judgment or distraction.
  • Disidentification: Recognizing that we are not our thoughts and emotions.

Singer emphasizes that these practices are not about suppressing our thoughts and emotions, but rather about understanding them and seeing them for what they are: transient mental phenomena. When we detach from our thoughts and emotions, we are not denying them or trying to escape from them. Instead, we are simply creating space around them, allowing them to come and go without being swept away by them.

"Living Untethered" is a profound and insightful exploration of the human condition. Singer's teachings are simple yet powerful, and they offer a path to true freedom and happiness.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the book:

  • We are not our thoughts and emotions.
  • Our suffering stems from our identification with our thoughts and emotions.
  • We can achieve inner peace and freedom by detaching from our thoughts and emotions.
  • There are a number of practices that can help us to detach from our thoughts and emotions.
  • Detachment is not about suppressing our thoughts and emotions, but rather about understanding them and seeing them for what they are.


"Living Untethered" culminates in a powerful call to awaken to our true nature, to transcend the limitations of the ego, and to embrace a life of inner peace, freedom, and boundless potential. Singer's teachings offer a beacon of hope and guidance, illuminating the path towards a life of profound fulfillment and liberation.


In essence, the book offers a roadmap for spiritual awakening, guiding readers towards a life of inner peace and freedom from the limitations of the ego-driven mind. Through the practice of self-awareness and detachment, we can learn to see our thoughts and emotions for what they are – transient mental phenomena – and discover the true nature of our being as pure consciousness.

"Living Untethered" is a must-read for anyone who is seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. Singer's teachings have the power to transform our lives and help us to live with greater peace, freedom, and joy.

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